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15:1  I teach you, my brethren, The Gospel that I preached to you, and you received it and you stand in it,
15:2  And by it you have life in that message which I preached to you, if you remember, unless you have believed worthlessly.
15:3  For I have declared to you from the first, according to that which I have received: The Messiah died for the sake of our sins, just as it is written;
15:4  And he was buried, and he arose on the third day, according to what is written;
15:5  And he appeared to Kaypha, and after him, to the twelve.
15:6  And after that, he appeared to more than 500 brethren together, many of whom remain until now, and some of them have fallen asleep.
15:7  And after these things, he appeared to Yaqob, and after him, to all the Apostles,
15:8  But to the last of all of them, as if to an aborted baby, he appeared also to me.
15:9  For I am the least of the Apostles and I am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.
15:10  But by the grace of God I am whatever I am, and his grace which is in me has not been worthless, but I have labored more than all of them; not I, but his grace that is with me.
15:11  Whether I, therefore, or they, in this way we preach, and in this way you have believed.
15:12  But if The Messiah who arose from among the dead is preached, how are there some among you who say there is no life for the dead?
15:13  And if there is no life for the dead, even The Messiah has not risen.
15:14  And if The Messiah is not risen, our preaching is worthless and your faith is also worthless.
15:15  But we are also found to be lying witnesses of God, for we testified of God that he raised The Messiah, when he did not raise him.
15:16  For if those who have died do not live again, not even The Messiah is alive.
15:17  And if The Messiah is not alive, your faith is empty and you are yet in your sins;
15:18  Doubtless also those who fell asleep in The Messiah have themselves perished.
15:19  And if in this life only we hope in The Messiah, so it is that we are more wretched than all people.
15:20  But now The Messiah is risen from among the dead and is the first fruits of those who sleep.
15:21  Just as by a man death came, in this way also by a man the dead come to life.
15:22  For just as by Adam all people die, in this way also by The Messiah they all live;
15:23  Each person in his order; The Messiah was the first fruits; after this, those who are The Messiah's at his arrival.
15:24  And then the end will come, when he will deliver The Kingdom to God The Father, when he will destroy every Ruler and every Authority and all Powers.
15:25  For he is going to reign until all his enemies will be set under his feet,
15:26  And the last enemy death shall be destroyed.
15:27  For he brought all things to submission under his feet. But when it says, “All things are subjected to him”, it is understood that it excludes him who subjected all things to him.
15:28  And when all is subjected to him, then the Son shall be subject to him who subjected all things to him, that God might be all in all.
15:29  Otherwise, what shall those do who are baptized for the sake of the dead, if the dead do not live again? Why are they baptized for the sake of the dead?
15:30  And why are we living in peril every hour?
15:31  I swear by your pride, my brethren, which I have in our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, that I die every day.
15:32  And if, as a citizen of the people, I was cast to wild beasts in Ephesaus, what have I gained if the dead do not rise? Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
15:33  Be not deceived, evil discourse corrupts pleasant minds.
15:34  Righteously awaken your hearts and do not sin, for there are some in whom the knowledge of God does not exist. I say that to your shame.
15:35  Someone among you will say, “How do the dead rise? With what body do they come?”
15:36  Fool! The seed that you plant will not live unless it dies.
15:37  And the thing which you sow is not that body which is going to be, for you sow a naked grain of wheat or barley or of other grain.
15:38  But God gives it a body just as he chooses and to each one of the grains a body of its nature.
15:39  But not every body is equal to another, for there is the body of a man and another of an ox and another of a bird and another of a fish.
15:40  And there is a Heavenly body and there is an Earthly body, but there is one glory of the Heavenly and another of the Earthly.
15:41  And there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of a star, and one star is greater than another star in glory.
15:42  Thus also is the life for those who die. It is sown with corruption, it rises without corruption.
15:43  It is sown with disgrace, it rises with glory; it is sown in weakness, it rises in power.
15:44  It is sown an animal body; a spiritual body rises, for there is an animal body, and there is a spiritual body.
15:45  Thus also it is written: “Adam the first man was a living soul; the last Adam - The Life Giver Spirit.
15:46  But the first was not spiritual, but the animal, and then the spiritual.
15:47  The first man was dust from the ground; The second man, THE LORD JEHOVAH from Heaven.
15:48  Just as he who was a being of dust, so also is that which is of the dust, and just as he who is The Being from Heaven, so also is the Heavenly.
15:49  And as we have worn the image of him who is from the dust, so we shall wear the image of him who is from Heaven.
15:50  But this I say my brethren: flesh and blood cannot inherit The Kingdom of Heaven, neither does corruption inherit indestructibility.
15:51  Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be transformed,
15:52  Suddenly, like the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet, when it shall sound, and the dead shall rise without corruption, and we shall be transformed.
15:53  For this destructible is going to wear indestructibility and this mortal shall wear immortality.
15:54  Whenever this destructible puts on indestructibility and this mortal, immortality, then that word which is written shall come to pass, “Death is swallowed up by victory.”
15:55  Where is your sting, oh death? Where is your victory, oh, Sheol?
15:56  But the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is The Written Law.
15:57  But thank God who gives us the victory by our Lord Yeshua The Messiah.
15:58  From now on, my brethren and beloved, be steadfast; do not be shaken, but be abounding at all times in the work of THE LORD JEHOVAH, as you know that your toil has not been worthless in THE LORD JEHOVAH.